hair dye doesn't work

i dyed half my hair blue. and the other half was brown. i bought really good hair dye at sallys. and first time i put half a bottle on it. it didnt turn out. second time it still didnt work. so i tried a third time. amd expensive black dye just does not work and i don't know why??

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4 replies since 19th February 2013 • Last reply 19th February 2013

What brand was it?? I have been dying my hair for over 20 years and have done every color in the rainbow in multiple shades! LMK

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first off what colour were you dying onto? as some bright colours like blue wont show up on dark hair and you need to bleach before you'll see the results you want. if it was a semi dye like directions, or crazy colour (which i love!) i like to leave them on longer than they say, normally all day, but only do this is the dye doesnt contain things like peroxide as it will damage you hair like nobodies business!

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Sometimes if a dye doesn't work, it might be that you didn't use developer, or used the wrong developer. Any time you try a new dye, you need to read the directions and the box carefully to make sure you have everything you need.

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Trying using a brand called Special Effects. If you prelighten/bleach your hair before hand the color pops like crazy, but if not it will only add a highlighted effect.

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