bad hair days
I'm having one right now, time for hat
I read in a magazine once 'the way to cure bad hair days, is to not have one at all!' well DUUUH, you can't predict if the rain will make your hair frizzy or if it will look greasy later in the day! considering how short my hair is now compared to before, it's staying so straight! TOO straight, it doesnt flick out enough even with some 'product' in it, it goes flat after 5 mins! If I have a bad hair day I just think sod it, because no one else will notice, in my case anyway!
pretty much every day is a bad hair day for me. haha
it's so thick that it refuses to be straightened, is too heavy to curl or put up in certain ways, etc. ugh!
Yeah my hair looks rubbish at the moment. The roots are kinda blue, and it's all frizzy. It's too short to straighten properly though
WIth the cold weather my hair gets very staticy, the short hair around my parting all stands up and I get a kind of Cameron Diaz thing going on! eughh I don't like to use products in my hair, so it's there to stay haha
yup, me too
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