How to fix up this doll?

(not sure if right topic..)
My mom gave me this Asian doll that has a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed
unfixed hair
damaged facepaint

Any tips on how to do this, and what materials to use?
I am not sure if I can undress the doll and what material her hands are made of.

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5 replies since 23rd June 2012 • Last reply 23rd June 2012

There a lot of tutorials online to fix doll hair that might help you, I don't have one on hand though. I would start by seeing if you can take off and re-put on her clothes, if so wash them. Generally was the stains off of her, lightly with just water, soap if needed. Is her neck broken? I can't tell. If so, glue easily and paint over when done. If she has chips you might be able to use thin bits of clay to cover them. You also may want to reapaint on her eyes and brighten up her lips and eyebrow. Not an expert or anything, but this is what I would do, hope it helped Happy

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I'm assuming the body is made out of porcelain?.. For the body, you could probably use what you would use to clean a bathtub, and to get around the small details use a q-tip. There's some really precise ones available in the nail section at the drug store.. The face doesn't seem that bad.. you could probably just mix a black paint and repaint the one eye section.. Hmm.. I don't know about the hair, you could put it into a bun on top of her head.. That might cover up the bald spots.. Then you might make it shiny with like.. Some kind of shine spray for human hair..

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Maybe try using the shout stain remover pen. The hair doesn't look that bad, it just needs to be brushed and put in place (I use hair spray on wigs but only if I don't intend on changing the hairstyle.) You may be able to paint her face with acrylic paint.

***DON'T use bleach***

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Some of these older dolls are worth serious money. Be sure she is just a regular hand-me-down doll before you do anything at all. If it turns out she is worth something then finding someone who specializes in doll restoration would be best. If not and you want to try your hand at it here is a good step by step how to

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She's a nishi with a music box underneath her , mass production in the 70's. Her body is made of straw... and getting her clothes of is really difficult because they are glued to her body...

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