Does any one else Crochet or Knit

79 replies since 30th November 2007 • Last reply 30th November 2007

I know but it's hard to comprehend starting with absolutly nothing, might buy Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray.

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I did one embroidery piece in primary school, I loved it. I made one of those lame things that goes over the back of an armchair, but it looked good Happy

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I like to crochet simple quick projects and have a few projects for left over skeins you may have. House decor items mostly. Pillow covers, table covers and kitchen towels. Mostly left overs from scarf and afghan projects.

I picked up two embroidery hoops from the thrift store a few weeks ago for .95 cents each. They had knitting needles, but I don't knit.

I make pillow covers from cotton skeins and use older pillows to stuff them. They look new again and sometimes I stuff two small pillows inside one cover to get a nice big one out of two old worn out ones.

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Seriously don't!

I'll scan some stuff in for you, I found my old embroidery photocopied sheets from back when in college they taught us how to.

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BUT ITS A PRETTY BOOK! I know french knot, chain stitch and satin stitch and obviously running and cross stitches I like having books for these things and I like her work and i like buying stuff haha.

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Ok well if you can't be dissuaded. Plus you know already all you need to know. I'm just all for originality.

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I think I'm buying the book more for her work lol

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Tilleke Schwarz is better.

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I've been crocheting for about a year. I'm not totally an expert at it yet, but I managed to make a cute scarf for my fiance.

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I wish you guys all lived in Scotland and we could have a weekly knitting / crochet group!

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I taught myself to knit because I couldn't find another left handed knitter! I can knit and purl but now I want to know how to knit in the round to make some fingerless gloves! I can't find anything that explains how to do it! I want to be able to knit my own sweaters on day. I want to learn crochet. I used to do it, but it left me. I bought some hooks and I have scads of yarn so, I guess I will teach myself that too!

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here's a link to a cool site that shows how to do crochet stitches and other crochet things and also, knitting stitches and other knitting things

I know its UK but they do it the same way we do!!

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We don't quite... Like a dc for us is an sc for you. and a slip stitch for you is an 'sc OR a slipstitch' for us, which is completely ridiculous. I'd seriously reccomend learning American.

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I can't follow patterns well at all!

Cat I wished I liked in Scotland full stop, I'm part Scottish! We used to go to Scotland all the time when I was little. A knitting group would be so much fun hahaha

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i crochet and knit but i like crocheting better....and i also cant follow patterns, i have to figure it out on my own if i ever want to make anything xP

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