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Craft Room Tours

Explore the craft rooms, studios & kitchens of crafters to see where they work and how they organise their supplies

Come behind the scenes at Crazy Wonderful for a #KitchenTour and see Shelley's kitchen in Houston, Texas.

All of the action in our home occurs between our kitchen and living/family room, so I love that the kitchen opens right up to it. The large island is the perfect middle ground for every type of activity.

New Haven, CT, USA • Visit Website »

Come behind the scenes at In Color Order for a #CraftRoomTour and see Jeni's craft room in New Haven.

My favorite thing about my space is the natural light, no question. My previous space was very dark and had only one small north facing window, so I really appreciate natural light where I work. I have two big windows that get morning sun, so I rarely need to use a lamp or the overhead light.

Come behind the scenes at Felted Button for a #KnittingNookTour and see Susan's headquarters in Sandy.

I find the colorful chaos of my space stimulates my inspiration, as long as it stays a bit organized! Often, all it takes is a little rummaging through yarn bins, lining up balls of yarn across the floor, and grabbing my hook to really get me busy creating. My least favorite part of my space is actually my computer--because the work I do there is my least favorite--pattern writing, tech editing and answering email. To help with this--I add lots of colorful bits and bobs around, like a crocheted mouse pad to make it feel less like drudgery and more like creative play.

Come behind the scenes at Meredith Joy Designs for a #CraftRoomTour and see Meredith's craft room in Pennsylvania.

My favorite thing about my craft space is that it's a special space dedicated to being creative.

New York City, New York, USA • Visit Website »

Come behind the scenes at Quarter Inch Mark and see Chase's patchwork studio in New York City.

It's filled with all the fabrics that I've collected over the years and some sweet gifts that I have received from all over the world. It's where I feel motivated and inspired.

Toronto, ON, Canada • Visit Website »

Join us for a #CraftRoom tour of Ruth Oosterman's art studio in Toronto, Canada.

I love that everything is within arms reach and that my daughter's desk is behind mine so we can talk as we create.

Grand Rapids, MI, USA • Visit Website »

Come behind the scenes at Altogether Beautiful for a #MakeUpTour and see Megan's home office in Grand Rapids.


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