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Superhero Sunday

Our favorite artists, illustrators & comic book authors discuss their work and show us their take on our crafty supehero, Crafterella

Aimee Ray has a head full of ideas and is always working on several creative projects at once. She loves drawing, painting and all kinds of crafts, and has written 4 books on hand embroidery (the Doodle Stitching series) the 4th of which comes out in September 2014. You can see more of her work at www.aimeeray.com and her etsy shop at www.littledear.etsy.com

Indie Renaissance Girl: Maritza is a freelance, self taught artist. Illustrator of HelloGiggles' Illustrated Tweet Of The Day. Maritza has drawn for MTV, HuffPo, and BBC America.

Nicole Lulinski (she goes by Luli) is an illustrator and the creator of HoneyTruffle Co. She loves to draw girls with giant heads and bad attitudes. Honeytruffles are what she calls her illustrations of ridiculous thoughts, favorite quotes, cool people, and rad fashion because they're small, sweet and exactly what you need. Follow @Honeytruffleco on Instagram even though she has no clue where she's going.

Darcy Allan is a graduate from the Sheridan Illustration degree program. Illustrating through life with quirky drawings and darling fashions. Has an odd obsession with bows, polka dots and cotton candy... and cats.

Ally Burke is a self-taught artist currently residing in a small Virginia town where she works in a cave-like basement with a bunch of spiders and earwigs. She likes creepy childlore, monsters, junk stores, dream pop, and ‘90s television. Her dad let her watch a lot of body horror when she was a kid.

Hi! My name is Anna Rosenkrans Birkedal, and I was born 1991. I grew up in a little town in Denmark, and my favorite things to do when I was little was to watch animated films, read comics and drawing. As soon as I turned 18, I moved to Sweden to fulfill my dream of being an artist.

I'm Angel Szafranko and I'm an animator and artist living in Toronto. I've been drawing and doing artsy stuff since I was little. I've always been into crafts too. Right now I animate on a toddler show by day and draw and paint by night!

My artwork has been described as; weird, colourful, strange, bright and fun. I love art and I love creating artwork. I am very inspired by everyday life, nature, animals, dreams and fashion.

Jason Little is the author of the Xeric-winning Jack's Luck Runs Out, the double-Ignatz-winning Shutterbug Follies, and Eisner-finalist Motel Art Improvement Service. In 2015 Uncivilized Books will publish Borb, the slapstick misfortunes of a severely alcoholic homeless man. When not at the drawing board, Jason teaches cartooning at the School of Visual Arts.

(drawing of Jason Little by T. Motley)

Hi! I'm Shawna Miller, the creator behind Scrawny Girl. I have a fatal attraction to cuteness, that you can see reflected in my art and everyday life. I'm addicted to coffee, Hello Kitty, cupcakes, manga, and dying my hair. I spend my days trying to draw and paint around having dance parties in the kitchen with my daughter and watching My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

I'm lolle (Lorenza) and I'm a freelance illustrator and artist based in Italy. I have been drawing since I was 5 years old. I always loved to draw, to paint, to create objects, plush and clothes and I can't imagine my life without pencils, markers, brushes, acrylics...
I use my illustrations to describe my world, a messy and pinky world populated by furry monsters, bizarre plushies, spooky dolls, cats, stylish babes, cosmic mermaids, pastel unicorns, colorful toys, ghost stories, flying bats, fairytales, striking clothes, pop culture, candies, cakes, dreamlike movies, fantasy books, and more...

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