i hate to capitalize when i'm writing...shit i hate to punctuate as well...i'm a welder/fabricator by trade...and i love my job...at times i can be such a perfectionist it's fuckin' disgusting...i'm very sentimental...and have an old soul...i cuss like a sailor...i loved being a child and i refuse to grow up...
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- commented on their comment thanks for all the positive comments... to Metal Bracelet 06 Feb 23:40
I having problems with my provider as well so still got not all my m ail on my proper mail account-S
but ... mayby i'm too addicted on being online.LOL
but i've been stucked to home for more then a year, so ithink that's the problem of my addiction,LOL
after my move in May this year i will go to revalidation therapy, i hope then can help me to find a solution for my trafling problems and my sight problems as well.
the whole time hearing that i give too much money in cash or to less isn't funny any more.LOL
but the first great t hing next week is i'm getting my new replacement wheels;-D
he will be bright pink and red.LOL
it's a costume made chair out the USA. i had to wait for it two years, not of building problems but because tooo many offices had to check i needed it really.LOL
but... it will be fun.
Hey thantk you for your hughe compliments, love it.
yesss i have done my best.LOL
at the moment i'm doing tooo much things at the same time, so nothing will be finished.LOL
but... it's i think just me.;-D
and living in a house fulll with wraped boxes isn't helpfull too;-D
So i will be glad when i'm in my new home to be.
i have heard the appartments are ready but they must be adjust for all of us.
i will get some major adjustments as well. glad that they are all aprovoaed by the next community workers. In my own building i have soooo much troubles, to got this appartment just driveable.
but ... this will be ending in Haarlem.
hey wish yoou a great awesome fun weekend as well and hope it's a creative one;-D
love and hugs and fun sweetie;-D xxxx
it's almost an honour to asked by you as a friend. i love your work, soo funny and great worked out with all the tiny details , sooo thank you very much for asking me.
and yeaaaah we're now friends.LOL Strange because we know only each other of this site and our projects.;-D
oooh be warned i'm a big talker but i don't exspect the the same of others;-D
hey it's here allready late almost bedtime for me. my cat's are begging allready next to my keybord for some more food-S
so ... it think i must give them some and go to bed.
strange that it is by you still earlier, like that.LOL
hey much love and greetings , and have a nice eve;-D