My name is Linzi, also known as L and triple L
I am 18 and live in the uk.
I love trying and making new things so i saw this website and had to join up.I love everything anime and studio ghibli <3
So if you make anything to do with anime please let me know =DD
Im hopeing for insperation for things to make even though i am useless at makeing things haha.i also love everything lolita and gothic like sweet lolia dresses to hair bows from gothic chokers to hair pins n.n
I am 18 and live in the uk.
I love trying and making new things so i saw this website and had to join up.I love everything anime and studio ghibli <3
So if you make anything to do with anime please let me know =DD
Im hopeing for insperation for things to make even though i am useless at makeing things haha.i also love everything lolita and gothic like sweet lolia dresses to hair bows from gothic chokers to hair pins n.n
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Recent Activity
- favorited Dragon Ball Necklace 05 May 01:09
- favorited Totoro Phone Case 05 May 00:47
- favorited Diy Stenciled Spirited Away Tank 05 May 00:37
- favorited Totoro Bed 05 May 00:35
- favorited Tulip Dress 18 Nov 09:33
- favorited Easy Dress! 18 Nov 09:29
- favorited Bedsheet Dress 18 Nov 09:23
- followed Aubrie S. 24 Dec 20:03
- commented on her comment Oh you have to hover the mouse over file then click open, Silly me =D hope that helps n.n to How To Colour A Drawing On The Pc Without Photoshop 23 Dec 22:00
- commented on her comment Oh you have to hover the mouse over file then click open, Silly me =D hope that helps n.n to How To Colour A Drawing On The Pc Without Photoshop 23 Dec 22:00
- commented on her comment Oh you have to hover the mouse over file then click open, Silly me =D hope that helps n.n to How To Colour A Drawing On The Pc Without Photoshop 23 Dec 22:00
- commented on her comment I agree :L Im on it now and i can't figure out how to upload my drawing on to it. Great pcture though :) to How To Colour A Drawing On The Pc Without Photoshop 23 Dec 21:58
Joined 2011
Aubrie S.
49 projects
Thanx for the comment I really appreciate it and I used fabric paint...it's called soft fabric paint, its a matte ebony color and the brand is tulip...i hope that helps