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- favorited Hot Glue Blood Dripping Necklace 20 Oct 16:55
- commented on her comment Pics of the finished product? to Colour Bubbles 28 Mar 03:57
- commented on her comment This looks amazing, and I'll be trying it soon! How much butter? to Single Serve Cookie Dough 28 Mar 03:53
- commented on her comment I'll need to remember this for my sister. I'm going to college soon, so she'll have our room all to herself. I'm sure she'll want to paint it, and that she'll love this! to Wall Butterflies 28 Mar 03:41
- commented on her comment Why didn't I think of this before?! to Strawberry Nails 28 Mar 03:14
- commented on her comment I'd think this could work for any small image, too... I love it! to Newspaper Nails 28 Mar 03:09
- commented on her comment This is so cute! It could also work with a base coat of one color, and layers of another one (though it wouldn't look like blood!) to Bloody Naaaiils! 28 Mar 03:03
- commented on her comment This would also be cute for a Birthday or Anniversary! to Little Letters Valentine's Card 26 Mar 02:11
- commented on her comment I love this idea! This would be a really cute concert shirt alone, or an everyday shirt with something under it. Thanks! to Cut T Shirt 26 Mar 01:51
- commented on her comment I was trying to figure out a simple Valentine's Day gift for my friends, and this will work perfectly! Thank you! :) to Valentine Tea Bag 08 Feb 20:14
Kathryn S. hasn't posted any projects yet