a hoarder, musician, artist, nerd, writer, student, royal pain in the butt, redhead- and a craftsperson at heart. |D
most of my crafts are spawned by my want for things that haven't been created yet, or for cosplay/stall reasons, and i proudly co-head the business 'flusical' with my good friend fran. \o/ we're just starting out in new zealand/australia, but watch for us on the crafty horizon soon!
most of my crafts are spawned by my want for things that haven't been created yet, or for cosplay/stall reasons, and i proudly co-head the business 'flusical' with my good friend fran. \o/ we're just starting out in new zealand/australia, but watch for us on the crafty horizon soon!
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- commented on their comment i got it at a place in new zealand called spotlight, and i just bought any colour clay (i used yellow for those earrings, believe it or not) and painted over the top. white would probably be easiest to paint with regards to layers. <: to seraphik 05 Jan 20:18
- followed Frangipani 28 Oct 22:41
Where did you get the clay stuff, and did you have to buy seperate colours?