
helo mi nam iz alu sango. i lik to sing the indian tup 40 evri sundiy. i eet cury evri mondiy. i run arond the hos 20 tims on tuesdiy. i danc to the indian top 40 in my undirwer on wednesdiy. i i swim in mi spedos on thursdiy. i we 5 tims on fridiy to show gratitd to the gods. i priy infrnt of a pictr of mi man thogt to ask the gods for help nd the pictr i was infrnt of yestrdiy was a picture of mi sistr juwarya becuz she pastd anoyng pictrs of me arond the skol!. that iz mi wek besds skol. som peepl refr to me az candi becas they thinc that i am swet lik my girlfrend arabu. i showd her a pictr of me in the bath wen i waz yongr wich iz a sin of luv. she ran away and now mi hert iz brokn.i waz in cloths. i ges she waznt redi. i wnt to b skol cunsil. at skol i hop dey pik me