Cedar City Utah United States 21 projects

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We head to Cedar City in Utah to meet #FeaturedMember DreamsInBloom who likes to try the next thing rather than doing the same craft again.


Featured Member Interview

How did you find CO+K and why did you join?

It's been so long since I joined I don't remember how I found it. But I loved so many cool things people were sharing and tutorials I found there I wanted to see more and I wanted to Favorite the projects I liked most.

What projects are you currently working on?

I don't know if it counts as crafting, but I've been making my own digital pdf planner.

I also got a messenger bag from a thrift store that lacked and real structure, so when I put stuff in it kind of collapsed in on itself. So I got some plastic canvas and lined the inside of the bag with it. But I want to somehow add pockets or such to it, so it doubles as a purse organizer too.


September 18, 2008
Cedar City, Utah, United States
Featured Projects
547 times

What does your craft space look like?

I don't have a dedicated craft space. One day I could be doing a craft at a table, the kitchen counter, outside, or even while sitting in bed. Almost any place can become my craft space.

Which tool or craft supply do you use the most?

I don't know. I'm often doing something different than the last craft I did and trying to think of different ways to use something than is expected. So it's hard to say I use the same thing often. Maybe the craft supply I use most would be something that would often get discarded.

What do you craft along to?

I often find it hard to concentrate and get distracted easily so I usually like quiet best. But music sometimes is great. I can't really watch tv or movies and do something else at the same time.

Favorite Craft

I don't have one type of craft I enjoy most. I'm really eclectic and random. I'm usually all about trying the next thing rather than doing the same sort of thing again. But I do often like to repurpose things and give them new life.

Sharyn's Top Crafts

If you could learn one new craft or make anything, what would it be?

I want to cut glass bottles. I have tried the method where you use string soaked in flammable liquid, tie it around the bottle and light it on fire... I've done it over a dozen times, with different variations and different bottles, and not even once have I been successful. I find it quite sad. I hope to conquer that someday.

Who are your crafting heroes?

I don't have one particular person. Just the human race. I love going online to either Cut Out and Keep, Pinterest, or other places where crafty things are shared and see just how creative people can be.