Yay it is fixed at last.
Posts by DreamsInBloom
Depression can be caused by so many things. In fact, I'd bet that many people with depression have several of those things going on at once. Some of the things include nutrient deficiencies such as not enough calcium, iron, pantothenic acid (B5), B-12, potassium, vitamin C, and zinc. Deficiencies in things like chromium and magnesium can cause anxiety. http://www.1stholistic.com/nutrition/hol_nutr-def-symptoms.htm
Then there are things like not getting enough sunlight.
And there are of course if we're overwhelmed with negative thoughts that adds to or causes depression.
Exposure to certain unhealthy chemicals can contribute to depression. And there are lots more causes/contributers as well.
If you can't afford a therapist you might be able to find other resources. I know some areas have clinics or government programs for people who are poor who charge a lot less, for example. I once went to a therapist that had a "sliding scale" for payment based on someone's income...so I was actually able to go for awhile for only $10 an hour. Be willing to ask around. If you're a student at college you might ask like a guidance counselor or someone if they know of anything. Or some charities and churches might be able to help out too.
Also, you might be interested in this. There is a method known as The Work, to help people deal with their negative thoughts. And they have volunteers that man a "hotline" so you can call them if you need. Or you can also do The Work yourself as all the info on how to do it is on the website in pdf files. And there are some posted video's showing it being done. The website is www.thework.com (and the link to the hotline can be hard to find...but keep looking for it, it's there).
It may not be the same as therapy...but if you can't afford therapy then it's better than doing nothing. Also...for some people it's been more helpful than therapy.
I usually am either okay or only mildly depressed, but this past week I've been in a pit of hell. I've been in this frame of mind only now and then. But it's enough to make my heart go out to those I know that experience this all the time or almost all the time.
Lately whenever I check out the newest projects, the first page of course has the newest projects. But page 2 is always the same page from a little over a week ago. Instead of seeing the previous new projects I always see a page with these things...Fish To Sushi Plushie, Very Sleepy Owl Very Sleepy Owl, Version Boombox Monster, Wedding Glasses, How To Duct Tape Rose Duct Tape Rose, Cute Retro Apron Cute Retro Apron, etc.
Each day the projects I saw the day before are "missing." There are about twelve days of projects that are "missing."
Is it just me? Or have others noticed this too?
Wow, I actually started trying to find a tutorial for a round coin purse myself and it's really, really hard to find anything. In fact, the only thing I found, after ages and ages of searching, was this crocheted cookie coin purse http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39495 So consider it found.
And I won't ask for another thing because I'll probably just accidentally come up with some other near impossible task.
Oh, I actually found a free 1950's dress pattern. woot! [url="http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/microsites/1486_couture/create.php]http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/microsites/1486_couture/create.php[/url] I'd like instructions for making a round shaped coin purse. Preferably one that has a zipper, but it doesn't have to have that.
You could make an applique and sew it on. Here's a tutorial that could be adapted http://www.ehow.com/how_2320201_appliqu-childrens-clothing.html
You could try making things out of old computer parts if you have access to any old computers (maybe check the local thrift store). I've seen keychains made out of keyboard keys, circuit boards, etc. Here's a how to article for making circuit board earrings that could be adapted to make a keychain. http://www.instructables.com/id/Geeky-Circuit-Board-Earrings/ I've also seen circuit boards made into covers for journals/sketchpads, clip boards, pencil cups, and other office supplies. You could make a small box out of computer parts, or a picture frame...See where your imagination and creativity can take you with using these things.
Since he likes gaming maybe you could use pictures from a gaming magazine and decoupage them to something like a box or picture frame, or whatever you think would be great.