
I like creating things and making them. One thing I wish I could do is draw and paint, but since I can't do those things I create "artful things". I get my inspiration from just about anything. If I think I can make it, I do. I love, love, love boho things. I am an African dancer so many of the thing you find on my page are inspired by that. People have always told me I should go into selling my stuff. I didn't want to make it a "job" perse, but times are getting hard and this is a fun second job. So I will start putting my things on here to sell to see how it turn out. I am hoping that I will be successful. I like to create and make many different things. I like to crochet, I like to knit, I like to sew, I like jewelry making. One thing that I want to learn who to do is work with metal. Many of the things I want to make, I can't because I haven't acquired the skill of working with metal yet. Along with learning to play the guitar, metal work will be another goal of mine to accomplish.
If you like what you see here, like my page on facbook or follow me on twitter where I tweet about crafting, gardening, poetry, current events and some crazy stupid stuff sometimesHappy Oh and my Pinterest is nice too! Oh and I’m starting to Google+ too


Please bear with me and "Keep in mind I'm an artist, and I'm sensitive about my Sh**" (Erykah Badu)Happy Nah I'm just kidding, but seriously.

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