
(if you dislike the lack of caps, think of it as a house style of calm)

i'm a dreamer, and typographic designer, but i also love art, photography, contemporary science, writing, acting and eclectic music. i think overall, i'm a disorganised perfectionist and a shy extrovert.

i live a cerebral, wistfully ambivalent and compassionate existence, doing what i can to connect with and help my friends, while working towards the universal human goal of an easy life.

in the past i've been a meteorologist and a writer, but now i've finally morphed into a freelance typographic designer, after finishing a BA in Communication Design in 2008, and an MA in Book Design in 2009.

i enjoy discussions, developing ideas, and solving problems.
i love whistling.
i used to be a good puppeteer, and i'm good at doing accents.
in my distant youth i had a brief - but thoroughly successful - cleptomaniacal phase, which i have since grown out of.
i also enjoy writing and directing plays, but for my sins i havn't done that in many years now, from too much work. i'm quite a good actor, but i do take a long time to learn lines.
i really love playing acoustic guitar; i'm many hours of dedication away from where i'd like to be with it (need to learn better picking).
i love singing too, chorally (bass) or while playing, or cooking, or working, and especially while walking at night, if i'm not whistling.

some authors i admire are Allan Moore (Watchmen), Stephen Fry, Tolkein, Orwell, Ian McEwan, Charlie Brooker, anything by David W Maurer, and *anything* by the graphic artist, Chris Ware. Also, any book by the company Pentagram, the Times Dictionary of quotations, and finally Ebenezer Cobham Brewer's 'Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.'

oh, and i love enjoying ice cold flat cream soda, but i'll settle for a perry, a cider, a good white wine, or a mix of neat archers and passoa on the rocks, preferably served in a hammock.

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