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- favorited Safety Barrel Plushie 28 Aug 21:28
- commented on her comment It's okay, now. I have a J hook c: I'm a little confused in the 3 and 4th direction, though. When you say "turn the work" is for making rounds? Like in a circle or turn to make corners like a square? to Slipper Boots 22 Aug 04:03
- commented on her comment I have an H, I, and K hook but no J. :/ Can J be substituted for one of those? to Slipper Boots 19 Aug 17:10
- commented on her comment What size hook did you use? to Pom Pom Slippers 19 Aug 06:18
Reacher R. hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2011

La Cañada Flintridge, California, US
30 projects
thanks for the faves