I'm a SAHM of two young kids living in Las Vegas. I like to craft and sew and be creative.
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- commented on her comment This is so bizarre I was just thinking about doing this today. Thanks for the tutorial. :) to Renew Shopping Bag 24 Sep 02:13
I've taken spirographs and drawn on the shrinky dink material and colored them in with permanent markers. I've never thought about sealing them because I just assumed the colors would stay on. Though I do like the glossy look to them, so I think I'll have to try that next time. I think you did a great job and the shapes of those turned out really good.
I've seen people on here melting all kinds of things including Pony beads, I liked the look but am a little concerned about the fumes from those.
Thanks for replying and giving me some great ideas.
Hope to see some more of your pretty flowers.
hey thank you for very much for your fave and the comments on my calycle beads of shrinky dinks.
the answers.LOL The first time i used nail polish and then i tried to reshape them.
that was stupid. When you use like i did acrylic sharpies or markers you don't have to use nail polish to give them a permant layer.
when you don't have those but the one that is on water basis , you must first shape them in calyce shapes and then it's smart to use a varnish layer to seal the colour on them.
so they can restist moistering or water.
Of course you can use other things to seal them but i prefer nail polish the clear one;-D
it's quickly dried and it's just a small jar with a little brush.LOL
About the idea, i had found this , but in holland we don't have the kind that works on the same way to shape them like she did.
so after spending some crumpy time to retry her tute , i knew it wasn't to blame the dutch brand.LOL And i hate it so i tried more ways so finely i found this methode.
I know that in a lot of other countries there aren't the same brand as well so i thought it's usefull for others as well, , and it's safer because you can use the mold insteade of a heath plate.
but ... like all plastics and heathing them it's not healthy for our longs so please do it outside.;-D
i hope this is the answer that you wanted, if not, please write me again.
have a great fun lazy sunday afternoon;-D!!!!