
I'm Patty, I'm 23, I am a student of Italian Philology, so I love literature and languages.
I love to tease my hair,to give gum to my dog,to fall down, to get drunk at 11 a.m., to knit, the mojitos, jazz music, to drink sunny delight with vodka, to chew cocoa powder, boys with weird noses and extreme thinness, and any other decadence you might think....
Recent Activity


aranumenwen · Aurora, Illinois, US · 117 projects
Thanks for the fave on my shoelaces!!
Mariann · Budapest, Budapest, HU · 11 projects
thank you for addig my scarves as a favouriteHappy

greetings from Budapest,
Tamara G.
Tamara G. · U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US · 1 project
Oh!! I didn't even see that... I'm new to this whole thing lol. Tongue Happy I still love it though! XD
Kasey Kasket
Kasey Kasket · Ormond Beach, Florida, US · 25 projects
Yes! Im so Sad that I already beat Assassins Creed II. My boyfriend and I played it every night for about a week. I cant wait for the next one!
hardcorebaleno; · Cagliari, Sardegna, IT · 2 projects
No, leggo in italiano e un po' in inglese. Si, Marquez è un vecchio amore. Baricco uno recentemente scoperto!
hardcorebaleno; · Cagliari, Sardegna, IT · 2 projects
I fell in love with your cassette purse. Dawn. It's so cute.

(lovin' Oceano Mare too.)
angelichigo · Toronto, Ontario, CA · 21 projects
Thank you for adding my felt rose ring project as fave =)
Born Toulouse
Born Toulouse · 14 projects
Hey there!

Congrats on finishing your exams there! Happy
I know what it feels like being busy with all that university stuff...I finished my university exams last year, always learning no time for anything related to fun ;).
Haha...so now I finally understood...a competitive person? Well I'm like that too...kind of a perfectionist, I am never quite satisfied with anything I do as I think it could always be better ;).

Statistics are like a necessary evil for what I am doing right now: planning a study in the field of special education (we don't learn anything regarding that during our studies, that's just the people studying psychology, so I have to learn that by myself now ;)).

I am a graduated special education teacher (subject: German, for kids with mental retardation and learning disabilities) and right now I am a doctoral candidate with a scholarship. I'm trying to design a study in the field of primary prevention of aggressive behavior and other developmental disorders (focusing on parent trainings)..anything leading further would likely be boring you and I'm still trying to figure out some things design wise ;).

And you're studying italian philology? Are you from Italy or Spain...I am confused ;). I had some parts of studying philology in my German studies and graduated in my written exams about the aesthetics of receptions and blank characters using the example of The Sorrows of young Werther.

Lol...working for HAMA...would be nice, even if it is not a childhood dream come true (I was more into clay, putty, Lego and drawing when I was a kid, I have not really tried doing Hama beads until 2 years ago ;) ).
I tried with my Donkey Kong...as it wasn't very complicated but I guess nobody can hate such a classic 8-bit-design which is just oozing charisma ;).

Oh yeah...I have to disappoint you there, I still haven't tried Grim Fandango until now. I heard a lot about it, and I have played and beaten some classic adventures, but as much as I love those games, I am still more of a video gamer ( I started out in '84 with my father and his Atari VCS 2600..playing Space Invaders lol..those were the days ;) ).

Ah...I almost forgot: I've got another project coming. It is not really a new one, just two more figures I did some months ago...so check 'em out if you want to ;).

so long,

Kitty ^^ Valley
Kitty ^^ Valley · Sierra Vista, Arizona, US · 9 projects
Thanks for the add OMG i absolutly LOVE your N.Y doesnt love you sweater
galinkzoo7 · Kalamazoo, Michigan, US · 1 project
Thanks for making my creation a favorite! You're my first!
Born Toulouse
Born Toulouse · 14 projects
Lol...another project, another try and yet you seem to like that too...
It's gonna be tough to make something you don't like ;).
Besides that: thanks for adding me ;).
The next one will take a while, I will have to continue working hard on my project for work...learning statistics..woohoo Happy.

So long
Born Toulouse
Born Toulouse · 14 projects
Hehe...thanks, but I didn't quite get your last sentence (maybe I slept too much and so my brain does not work properly). A small warning: a new project is coming up, its publication is currently pending ;)

So long
florence w.
florence w. · Brooklyn, Michigan, US · 8 projects
Thanks for adding me to your favs1
Kepi · Los Angeles, California, US · 49 projects
Thanks for the fav Happy
Born Toulouse
Born Toulouse · 14 projects
Well...you seem to have liked the Donkey Kong figure, too.
We'll see if the next item I do will be finally something you don't like ;).

Ryals_Shoal · Marysville, Washington, US · 17 projects
Thank you so much for the fav on the post-its mural! <3
charlotte v.
charlotte v. · Sydney, New South Wales, AU · 4 projects
Are you a fan of the wombats (a picture of them was on your inspration box)
Mrs T
Mrs T · Dubai, Dubai, AE · 5 projects
gracias for fave-ing my Senor Scotty!

Espero que leer su version a pronto.

oh dear... tengo que practicar mas....
Ashasaurus13 · Dayton, Ohio, US · 7 projects
thank you for favoriting mt ipod holder : D
Aliehs · San Juan, San Juan, PR · 19 projects
gracias me alegra saber que te encantara la diadema...si deseas algún día alguna no dudes en decirme...
xXkrystalXx · Bellflower, California, US · 1 project
no prob..... well at first i was busy with my project trying to fix up my room but i guess now thats a no go ='(... other than that nothing at the moment... ur hair is soooo kute i love it u definatley need to show me some tutorials =D
Bluebee · Francestown, New Hampshire, US · 6 projects
thanks for the comment and fav ^^ by the way, I love your Alex de Large brooch =)
kiddo · Corryton, Tennessee, US · 133 projects
Thanks for the add!
kiddo · Corryton, Tennessee, US · 133 projects
Your brooches are awesome!
pOre · Oulu, Northern Ostrobothnia, FI · 2 projects
haha, thanks 8D
Court-Court · Shallotte, North Carolina, US · 5 projects
Thanks. lol. :]
Born Toulouse
Born Toulouse · 14 projects
Haha lol, thanks for the praise. I'll see if I can fulfill your proposal and build something you don't like ;).
Araceli G.
Araceli G. · Madrid, Community of Madrid, ES · 9 projects
tendría que comprar mas material y eso,me tendrías que decir mas o menos como lo quieres, el tocado que tengo puesto aquí se sujeta con horquillas, pero hice otro que iba en una diadema:
No sé, me tienes que decir mas o menos como te gustaría, si te gusta el broche, o que quieres que le ponga...

feliz año nuevo!

un saludo
Ani W.
Ani W. · Germany, Pennsylvania, US · 18 projects
Cheers for the favourite Happy
BarbieGum ♥
BarbieGum ♥ · 10 projects
Hi! Thanks for adding Comic Lipstick Earrings to your fav Happy
Magnolia · Madrid, Community of Madrid, ES · 31 projects
hola guapa!!!soy lau la amiga de marina! x fin me hice de esto esq cuando me lo pasastes no se porque la pagina no me funcionaba y hoy me meti y lo consegui YUJU! aora voy a cotillearte tus proyectos ggrggr
un beso!!
maryam · Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, AE · 16 projects
thank you for the fav on my project Happy you are gorgeous Happy
Dolly · 26 projects
Hahah. I wish everyone could just have the same prescription. It would make sharing way easier. I get bored quickly of my glasses; I wish I could have a million pairs. Happy
And the name Pablo? It was my cousin's suggestion. His name was originally Frank. (:
mariah ogunda
mariah ogunda · Newport, Rhode Island, US · 11 projects
thanks for favoriting my wool soaker. love your bio.
CrAzY NeLLy · Claremont, California, US · 18 projects
hi! wat ya doin?
Dolly · 26 projects
Hey- Thanks for the add and the compliment about my glasses. (:
They were actually my mom's from like, 25 years ago, and they are actually my prescription, so I can wear them anywhere. (: YAY! I get many weird looks though. :/ Haha.
Anyway, Merci!
ale_corason · Mexico City, Federal District, MX · 49 projects
¡Hola Patty! ¿Cómo te va?
La verdad es que no los he usado tantas veces, no se han gastado nada. Pero seguramente si así lo hubiera hecho las cintas estarían ya bien deshiladas.
Supongo que funcionan mejor los globos. ;)
¡Un beso!
Keeley C.
Keeley C. · U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US · 20 projects
thank you for the comment! I'm happy you like my projects even if sewing isn't a strong point for you!