I have a little obsession with homewares and playing Miss 'Homemaker' and will always see potential in the most obvious pieces of junk. I will accept anything thats free and buy anything thats cheap. And I have just got a new place to store all these lovely things I make and create.
I like to customize furniture and homewares and use resourceful methods to try and reduce waste.
I like to customize furniture and homewares and use resourceful methods to try and reduce waste.
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- commented on her comment I recently been working on this myself with some left over spray paint and cutlery from charity shops. Love this idea and the yellow! to Quirky Colourful Cutlery 03 May 20:19
- commented on her comment I recently been working on this myself with some left over spray paint and cutlery from charity shops. Love this idea and the yellow! to Quirky Colourful Cutlery 03 May 20:19
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