aaaw again you have faved me, sooo sweet of you.
thank you for this one on my felted flower pillows.
If you want to know how , just asked i'm almost addicted to felting.
i'm working now much stranger with felt, i'm having almost some new project finished and making a tute to felt in a 3d way in the washing machine.
it's sooo awesome and less work or energy.
Hey have a great nice crafty fun creative week;-D xxx
aaaw sooo sweet that you have faved my electric bass gitar etui as well and that comment , love to see yours.
much crafting fun and when you need help just give a yell and i help you.;-D
My friend is still using him, must always laught of him he is of my age and then such a rocker.LOL
like that.
hey have a nice eve, xxx
Hi Ding-a-ling
thank you very much of your fave on my tearyearking heart brooch,
wish you much crafting fun with the making of and have a crazy lazy crafty sunday afternoon as well, and a nice funny creative week;_D
thank you for this one on my felted flower pillows.
If you want to know how , just asked i'm almost addicted to felting.
i'm working now much stranger with felt, i'm having almost some new project finished and making a tute to felt in a 3d way in the washing machine.
it's sooo awesome and less work or energy.
Hey have a great nice crafty fun creative week;-D xxx
much crafting fun and when you need help just give a yell and i help you.;-D
My friend is still using him, must always laught of him he is of my age and then such a rocker.LOL
like that.
hey have a nice eve, xxx
thank you very much of your fave on my tearyearking heart brooch,
wish you much crafting fun with the making of and have a crazy lazy crafty sunday afternoon as well, and a nice funny creative week;_D