Glasgow Scotland United Kingdom 122 projects

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We head to Glasgow to meet Markee who loves all crafts, especially trying something new!


Featured Member Interview

How did you find CO+K and why did you join?

I've been on here so long, I really can't remember! It was likely I just stumbled upon it during a google search for crafts, I know that isn't a very interesting answer.

What projects are you currently working on?

Too many, as usual! I'm knitting a lavender cable-knit oversized jumper with bamboo wool. I'm making a 1950s fitted wiggle dress out of tiki-style fabric. I'm working on a Victorian style costume, for my friend who runs Murder Mystery events. I've finished the skirt, just need to make the bodice. I'm adding crystals to my top hat, I'm about half-way there. I also have loads of projects in the queue, and lot of repairs and such to catch up on.


February 27, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Featured Projects
244 times

1 2 3 4 5

What does your craft space look like?

I've managed to take over a corner of the living room. The dining table is pretty much permanently my craft table, and I have a set of vintage drawers with all my bits and bobs in it. I'd like to say my stuff is contained to these drawers, but we all know how craft supplies seem to multiply. It's just enough space to do what I need to do, and it means I can leave projects out, without them getting in the way of anything else.

Which tool or craft supply do you use the most?

My hands! Does that count? I probably use a needle and thread more than anything, but that is a boring answer. I recently bought a hot-fix gun, and a massive bag of hot-fix crystals while I was in Athens. I've pretty much been putting crystals on anything I can get my hands on!

What do you craft along to?

I love putting on a record when I am crafting. I have loads of vintage records from musicals, to Alfred Hitchcock film scores, to Johnny Cash, to Lou Reed, to classical. I just see where the mood takes me.

Favorite Craft

I love all crafts, and I especially love trying something new. I go through phases, usually based on what new skill I've learned, what new toy I've bought, or what I need. At the moment I am going through a sewing phase. I have lots of old vintage patterns, and I figured it's about time I make some of them up to see what they are like. I usually purchase old sheets/curtains from secondhand stores to make them. That means if they are rubbish (or I'm rubbish at making them) I'm not out very much. There is nothing like getting partway through a pattern and realising a pattern piece is missing! And if I really like the pattern, I go back and make it again.

Markee's Top Crafts

If you could learn one new craft or make anything, what would it be?

I would love to know how to make more of my own beauty and make-up products. I'm so good about what I put in my body, but not so much about what I put on it. I've made some simple things (bath bombs, face scrubs) but I would love to one day be able to make anything (like I can with pretty much anything else in my life).

Who are your crafting heroes?

Gertie has an amazing blog, several books and patterns which are all wonderful! She seems to be able to sew anything she puts her mind to.

By Gum, By Golly (Tasha) has impeccable style, and is so talented in a variety of different crafts. She always looks amazing, and almost all of it is done by hand.

The team at Cut Out + Keep are amazing! This has been my number one craft site, and it's so impressive how they have kept the spirit of crafting alive for our current generations.