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- commented on her comment thank you :)) to Polymer Clay Scorpion 02 Mar 19:30
- commented on her comment oww sorry. i was just asking but thanxs for answering my question anyway and when u say 8th grade as in year 8 because i am from london loooool :)) that is really good for a hobby i thought you where an artist but thank u again :) to Polymer Clay Scorpion 28 Feb 14:49
- commented on her comment hi i loved your Polymer Clay Scorpion it's amazing it looks real is well. i am doing a scorpion sculpture in my school as well for my art lesson :) i was wondering u are an artists are you? because if you are i have research about an artist on this an... to Polymer Clay Scorpion 26 Feb 20:11
mine k. hasn't posted any projects yet