Recent Activity
- followed Beads Unlimited 18 Jan 14:18
- commented on her comment What did you use to get them on modpage? How did you seal them? to Batman! Comic Book Flats. 07 Jan 20:46
Ms. Fox hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2011

Ellie O.
4 projects
hey thanks for the fave on my bracelet!

Angela V.
Tidioute, Pennsylvania, US
4 projects
Thanks so much for the favorite. I hope you enjoy it. Please check out my blog if you get a chance.

Beads Unlimited
Brighton, England, GB
97 projects
...and my firworks tiara. Thanks again!

Beads Unlimited
Brighton, England, GB
97 projects
Thanks for faving my clematis tiara!

58 projects
Thanks for the fave!

the rat tailor
Evrytania, Thessalia Sterea Ellada, GR
30 projects
thanks for the fav