hi im a girl from germany and i really love getting inspired by the nature while listening to music, we have a big garden and if its warm enough i always go outside and if there is no sunshine i stay inside and be creative, bake or cook
my blog:
me on youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/user/kimii125 (german)
http://www.youtube.com/user/Ilooveasian (english)
my blog:
me on youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/user/kimii125 (german)
http://www.youtube.com/user/Ilooveasian (english)
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Recent Activity
- favorited iPhone Book Case 14 Jan 18:26
- favorited Newspaper Basket 14 Jan 18:20
- favorited Jamie Oliver Falafel Wraps 14 Jan 18:18
- favorited After Dinner Mint Macarons 14 Jan 18:17
- favorited Chocolate Tissue Cake Box Tutorial 14 Jan 18:15
- favorited Newspaper Basket 08 Nov 21:13
- favorited Magazine Woven Box With Lid 10 Jul 14:35
- commented on her comment thanks for the fave on my bento to Sabrina S. 31 Jul 20:01
- commented on her comment thanks for the fave on my bento to Tasha L. 19 Jul 21:21
- commented on her comment thanks for the fave on my bento to CreationKey 16 Jul 12:07
- commented on her comment hey now i dont have time for crafting because i have my final exams but maybe next week i will try the clutch we are living in bavaria but my mom came from black forest from where did your mother come? have a nice leftover weekend to Days 03 Jul 14:19
- followed Days 03 Jul 14:07
than you very very much of your fave on myt teaset closet project.
how are You?
hope fine , hey have a nice happy crafting day;!! and hugs and kisses ;-D
yeaah i'm always crafting , i was like that when i was a child.
My mum did the same.
i was one of the first kiddo's with a working mum during my childhood.
She was for some years my teacher-S
i didn't liked it, later on my sis had her as her teacher as well.LOL and had the same problems.LOL
but we allways had in the spare time fun with crafting with the whole family.
aaw that 's cute that you have made with your mum a dollhouse.
do you have picts of it.?
i love to see them.
And yeaah i have some other jobs to do as well.
but for now i 'm waiting for a solution after 1,5 year stucked to home after my last third whiplash.
my neck was allready very damaged and got me lot's of problems , but with my wheelchairs i still was mobile now i' m not-S
Crafting is helping me to come through this nasthy time.
i need a very specail brace for my neck that will keep it stable .
i don't have a normal sized neck it's long and small like my drawing of my avatar.LOL
but the shop that will make the brace did the paperjob wrong for getting permission by the health assurancy of mine Two times!!!!-S
so i must be patiencend for more weeks-S
and sitting home.
it' s good for my craftings for my new home.LOL
aaaw you don't like that i think! can i help you?
i have saved a long time for an other member lids and posted them to the uk.
just let me know.
but i want to see it, you must show him on here, i will fave you.LOL
hey much succes and strenght with the studying and the last steps for school , i will keep my fingers crossed for y ou.;-D
hey have a nice funny creative day and greetings from a windy cold utrecht
hugs and kisses;-D
ooh glad that it's now better with that diseas but 40 dead people is really much!!!
but glad that your eating your own vegs out of your garden.
i understand this , crafting is much funnier to do then writting.LOL
i like that better as well;-D
i'm working now on glass curtains of recycle materials , the problem is i had done more safing.lOL For one window i have still to less lids.LOL
must eat more yoghurt.LOL
but after saving 15 more i will have the half of the window sizes and that willdo ,i allways can add more on it.;-D
but this weekend i will start on real curtains i will make of a lot of old one some big o nes. like patch work.
and today i was worned out and worked on the toy i got of my niece to make a real tiny closet of it.
i have made the doors and the backside and some shelves for inside and now i h have glued the wood for the window doors for the upside of it.
it is a funny job to do.
like it.
hey have a nice eve, and i will check later your bento, it looks really jummy!!!!
i will fave it , i'm sure.LOL
hey till later, much hugs , love, fun and greetings from a far away Utrecht.LOL
i'm busy with making glass curtains of recyling materials for my new home to be.LOL
but for one window i having still to less lids-S
so it will be a half glas curtain.LOL
mayby later and can add more on it.
hey thank you for your fave on my wind kettle chime project.
much craftin fun with the making of and have a crazy llazy sunday afternoon as well;-D
hey much love and greetings of a raining boring grey utrecht. xoxoxooxox
im going to try out the newspaper basket by the way...also i very much like the message heart with wings, though a how-to would be nice, eh?
im going to try out the newspaper basket by the way...also i very much like the message heart with wings, though a how-to would be nice, eh?
love your blog, i wanted to add a comment but my computer is to low of upgread of the maincomputer programme.
humm strange line, not correct but i hope you understand it.LOL
so , i will give you here my comment , love the smart solution of the nailposlish cage and of course the newspaper basket.
it's a good colourfull blog, !!! love it.!!!
hey till next time ;-XD <3 xxoxooxoxoxooxoxoox
how are you? hope well.
hey thank you very much of your new fave on my carkeyring project.
it was fun and cool to make , i found it hard to gave it a bold and though look so i was glad t hat i thought of it to use those hardware suplies.
it's always working.LOL
but i realized as well oooh i'm just a wheeling chemistry.LOL
i must take too much meds.
but... when i using them i'm well doing.;-XD I'm telling always this, i don't have to go to t he gp often because i'm very healthy and then people looks at me like i was going crazy.LOL
Gerard reconized this (he's my coach and has copd) and had to laugh because he always telling people the same , but he answered me but you don't must stop with those meds.LOL
i always forget that others has not so much meds wrappings as i have.LOL
i have made thursday an other funny project of my meds wraps i will show it here, my sis wants it. i told her next time , i didn't had the good great picts yet of the finished state.
now i have.
so.. now some editing work and writing the tute and...
you will see.
Hey how is it with the strange fruit deaseas, i don't eat those things but ... it must be scarry.
heard of it that in your country allready 18 people are dead by that.-S
hope you're not to scarry.
Must laught of that the fruit things that caused it aren't sold anymore here.
so the farmers are complaining alot.
but they always complains.LOL
humm i forgot to take the jump to your blog , i will i wil let you know next time how the jump was.LOL
hey have a great lazy sunday and a good fun great craty creative week as well.
lots of hugs, dutch greetings and kisses;-D
you're a green crafter like me, so that's awesome!!!
and yeaaah we're now friends ,LOL
if you like we can write, i can read German but i can't write it or speak.
it's too long ago that i have learned it.;-D
so my preferences are english.
or you must want to learn dutch.LOL
hey i see you have a blog , awesome i don't have the energy for that.
i will jump later to your blog,
have a greet fun crafting weekend , it's here rainy and clouded like it's almost autumn.LOL
hey many dutch greetings and hugs from me;-D <3
Much fun crafting fun with the making of, and have a great nice fun crafty weekend tomorrow;-D
thanks for the favor on my pants!
wish you much fun with it,and a great nice fun crafty lazy crazy sunday afternoon as well;-D
wish you much fun with it,and a great nice fun crafty lazy crazy sunday afternoon as well;-D
I have made more of them for my knitting needles and other things to keep safe as well. I love those strong bags.LOL
hey have a great nice grafty weekend!!!!!;-D
thank you very much of your fave on my tiney shadowbox project,
much crafting fun with the making of and have a nice eve and for tomorrow a fine good happy crafting weekend as well;-D