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- commented on her comment Hello everyone, I am new to this site and am really enjoying it. To the maker of the monkey bear coin purse are you willing to share your pattern with me. My granddaughter who is now two is into purses and just adores monkey items. I would love ... to Money Bear Purse 12 Mar 01:46
- commented on her comment Hello everyone, I am new to this site and am really enjoying it. To the maker of the monkey bear coin purse are you willing to share your pattern with me. My granddaughter who is now two is into purses and just adores monkey items. I would love ... to Money Bear Purse 12 Mar 01:45
Cathy R. hasn't posted any projects yet
I just found your comment/question and sadly have to say: I totally winged this. There is no pattern -_-"
I don´t know how good your crochet abilities are, but for this purse you only need to make three circles and two crocheted-around trapezoids.
But if you want to try this and get stuck somewhere, feel free to ask me ;)