My names Mary, but the nickname marbear has stuck with some of my friends over the years
When I'm not busy with school work, I enjoy doing crafts.
I want to be an art teacher for younger and disabled kids.
I paint, sketch, sew, crotchet, and bake.
I am teaching myself guitar.
Yo estoy aprendido español, yo he estudiado por seis años
I have a tendency to zone out.
When I'm not busy with school work, I enjoy doing crafts.
I want to be an art teacher for younger and disabled kids.
I paint, sketch, sew, crotchet, and bake.
I am teaching myself guitar.
Yo estoy aprendido español, yo he estudiado por seis años
I have a tendency to zone out.
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Recent Activity
- commented on their comment This was very helpful! Although I'm a little confused, would I need a backing to cover the batting? >.> to Cosy Patchwork Quilt 26 Dec 14:29
- commented on their comment no problem, they're super cute :D and thanks for the friend request :3 to Cassie 17 Jun 18:22
- commented on their comment ohh yum yum :) but it just says 1 vanilla.. one what? of vanilla what? tablespoon? extract? I'm thrown a little off x( to Quick And Easy Ice Cream 30 Apr 02:05
- commented on their comment ah they do look perfect for it, I hope I can find some somewhere in the US, you made a good use of them ;) to Popsicali 21 Jan 22:41
- followed Cassie 17 Jan 19:41
- commented on their comment They're so cute! Where'd you get the shoes from though? to Pikachu Shoes 17 Jan 18:39
- commented on their comment This is great! haha for homecoming spirit week I was Ash Ketchem for superhero day. It was rad, I definitely got some compliments ;) to Ash Ketchem Costume 17 Jan 18:30
- followed Donna Dudley 30 Oct 07:00
- commented on their comment I can't wait to make these, I have a slight obsession with rainbows, and the picture is making me drool already ;) to Rainbow Cupcakes! 18 May 22:06
- commented on their comment I can't wait to make these, I have a slight obsession with rainbows, and the picture is making me drool already ;) to Rainbow Cupcakes! 18 May 22:06
Marbear hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2008
Southampton, England, GB
13 projects
thanks for the fave!
8 projects
any canvas/converse type shoes will vwork fine. thanks for the comment.
8 projects
The shoes i used i got in a sale. I live in england and the shop is not very well known. I cannot remember the name i just saw the shoes for £5 and thought they were perfect. =)