Welllll, I'm a girl, lots of people think i'm a guy cause off my name... I really like crafting and music and i really don't care what the in crowd of anything thinks about me. I am unique.<3 And i lurve duct tape!! o and several quizzes i took say i'm ADD. mabe they're-oooohhhhh shiny thing!!!!!!
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- commented on their comment ur projects make me feel warm n fuzzy inside, like i swallowed a kitten! :D to Not A. 14 Jan 23:35
- followed EmilyDisenchanted™ 20 Sep 18:12
- commented on their comment SwEEEEEEt!!! to Turn Garbage Into Shrinky Dinks 05 Jul 21:22
- commented on their comment XD that's amazing! to "nine In The Afternoon" "pretty Odd" Sash :] 05 Jul 21:20
- commented on their comment i lik how urs turned out! i did almost the same thing, but traced a photo and colored w/ markers. urs turned out WAY better!!! to Pop Art Pictures! 20 Jun 00:05
- commented on their comment these shoes are tiz!!! lurve um! to Decorate Your Boring Old Shoes 28 May 15:29
- commented on their comment luv ur name! (and those tights!!!) =) to FrankieBabeyy=]. 28 May 15:21
- commented on their comment oooooo gory me like!!! to Halloween Burned Flesh 26 May 17:36
- commented on their comment haha thats sooooo cool!!! i lurve the dresden dolls. they're awesome! =) to Dresden Dolls Shoes 26 May 17:35
- commented on their comment These r adorable! to Skullflowers 20 May 23:11
- commented on their comment break glass in case of an emergency...lol. this looks really cool! to Razor Blade Pendant 20 May 23:03
- commented on their comment Emily the Strange is soooo WEIRD!!!!(that's why i like her)She's awesome! to Vanessa the Strange 17 May 18:34
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