Schools in Dehradun
Ecole Globale international offers girl education from 4th class to 12th Class.Among the boarding schools in Dehradun, Ecole Globale is affiliated to both Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).It provides best sports activities and games which include horse riding, basketball, swimming, athletics, volleyball, football, table tennis etc. The school in Dehradun offers a wide range of activities such as drama, drawing & sculpture, public speaking, needle craft, and other soft skills.
Ecole Globale international offers girl education from 4th class to 12th Class.Among the boarding schools in Dehradun, Ecole Globale is affiliated to both Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).It provides best sports activities and games which include horse riding, basketball, swimming, athletics, volleyball, football, table tennis etc. The school in Dehradun offers a wide range of activities such as drama, drawing & sculpture, public speaking, needle craft, and other soft skills.
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