
Ecogami is a personal project. I am Éric François, French living between Buenos Aires, Argentina & Paris, France.

Everything started in 2016 when I discovered the papercraft with a picture of an animal trophy on the web. They called it “Faux taxidermy”, I liked it & wondered how I could make it myself. I googled and found what I was looking for. I discovered a specialized webstore & bought my first template which was an elephant head. I really enjoyed the process to assemble it. With my music on, I relaxed, enjoyed & didn’t watch the clock while cutting, folding & gluing the sculpture. It was the beginning of many other sculptures… Each one bringing fun during the assemblage and self-reward at the end with a beautiful wall mount.

At the beginning of 2017, I wondered why I couldn’t create & design my own paper sculptures. I checked on Internet, the process seemed hard, but I was motivated. First, I learnt to design on several 3D software. Then, I learnt to transform a three-dimensional object into a PDF pattern… Ecogami was launched.

Today, I am motivated as I was at the beginning. I try to create unique, original and diversified models, and, I love it. I try to provide intuitive instructions to make the assemblage as easy as possible.

I hope my little story will inspire & give you the curiosity to discover or rediscover our 3D paper sculptures and its benefits.

Éric François - Ecogami

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