A proud mom of #Arkashadan #Mahesakha with independent activities. A researcher focused on social and development studies, mainly concerned about community development, participatory planning, and the commons issues. Involved in community movements concerned about River, Enviroment, culture, history, and heritage site. I may call myself An eco-punk and straight edge-er too.
I like to travel places. I love rain, stars, books, movies, music, skulls, beads, buttons, foods. I am yoga-ing, writing, reading, crafting and in love with DIY ethics.
Crafting has become activity that keep me shane! Cooking, baking, recycling, sewing, jewelry making and learn to knit at the moment
Happy Crafting and young till you die!
I like to travel places. I love rain, stars, books, movies, music, skulls, beads, buttons, foods. I am yoga-ing, writing, reading, crafting and in love with DIY ethics.
Crafting has become activity that keep me shane! Cooking, baking, recycling, sewing, jewelry making and learn to knit at the moment
Happy Crafting and young till you die!
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Joined 2010
Nederland, Colorado, US
54 projects
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