
i'M A hUGE prOcrasTInAtor who liKes to get THings donE as fasT As i can. i lovE taKiNG olD THIngs APaRt to mAKE SOmEthiNg NEW. i Am a sloppy perfectIONIst WHo is oRGAniZed at iT'S dySfunCTIONAL beSt. I cOlLECT PaPer cLiPs I FInd OFf tHe gROund. My faV. plaCeS to sHoP Are pLATO'S cloSET, Thrift storEs, goodWiLl, AnD GArage sAleS.

i LIkE to SaY theatrE INsteAD Of mOVies, anD sODA iNsteaD Of coke. mY FAvoRite colORS Ever ARe pURpLE, GReen, BLUE aND Orange. My FaVORite floweR is A sUnfloweR, BUt I lOVe to get roSeS 'CUZ tHey loOk cool wheN they dry up anD die.

I hAVE a tRAgicAllY HAppy lIfE and I'm curreNTlY IN tHE WORKS of SEeiNG whAt i CAN do witH it. i HoPE one daY tO own MY owN biz dOIN' sOMethIng wITH CaKes, cRAFts, cLothIng, OR ALL 3. NoT tryiNG To sTRike iT rICh JuSt wanNa be happy And Make moNEy Doing wHat i Think Is FuN.

I DrINK COFFEe And WatEr All daY loNG. I EaT my sandwICheS corNERS FirsT AND Then tHe MidDLE.

I love My cHILDRen aNd Very MUCh so Get inTo tHE MOmmy tHiNg. i haVE 3 bAbIeS WiTh the 3RD onE HaVIng noT actuaLlY BeeN bOrn yet. THey arE tHe only THIng wOrTH LIvING FoR aND eVerThing IMpoRtant TO me.
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Sugarlishes · Fort Hood, Texas, US · 136 projects
thanks for the add Happy cant wait to start seeing some of your crafty projects-sug