My names Lissa.I love doing all sorts of different crafts.Keep an eye out for my projects. (:
Recent Activity
- followed Boo_its_Brittany 04 Oct 03:46
- commented on her comment thanks for the idea i lovee it.i just finished making one for me and my friend (: to Glow In The Dark Vampire Fang Necklace 04 Oct 02:15
- commented on her comment this is supper cute. (: to Bunny Cuff 17 Aug 23:44
- commented on her comment ok so if you want ill make a "how to" will that help? to Zedness M. 17 Aug 23:42
- commented on her comment i have that same necklace from hot topic.lmfao. to Zombie Necklace 15 Aug 03:58
Joined 2010

Kennedy Riot
9 projects
lolz, yea after i started selling them all d.i.y like a month later my friend told my hottopic designers had ripped me off yet again.... :x