I'm really nice.. I Promise! I am! But I don't have an inch of patience for those who are Ignorant/Hatefull/Rude/Or don't thing before they do somthing.
I do enjoy drawing, but it's truly a week point in my hobbies. I don't draw.. I doodle really. I can never focus enough concentration onto one picture.
Speaking of hobbies/Arts, I'm really interested in acting and singing. My mother and I have been looking into this Summer workshop for teens who are interested in performing arts such as theater and singing. I'll be in 9th grade next year. Going to a regular highschool. For 10th grade, I'll be trying out for theater and acting for OCHSA ( Orange County High School of the Arts).
I love making new friends! Though, I have to know you first, in order to add you to my friends list.
Well that's all for now! Thanks for reading. Love you!
Skype: KikiTheRaverKitty (Savvy)
I do enjoy drawing, but it's truly a week point in my hobbies. I don't draw.. I doodle really. I can never focus enough concentration onto one picture.
Speaking of hobbies/Arts, I'm really interested in acting and singing. My mother and I have been looking into this Summer workshop for teens who are interested in performing arts such as theater and singing. I'll be in 9th grade next year. Going to a regular highschool. For 10th grade, I'll be trying out for theater and acting for OCHSA ( Orange County High School of the Arts).
I love making new friends! Though, I have to know you first, in order to add you to my friends list.
Well that's all for now! Thanks for reading. Love you!
Skype: KikiTheRaverKitty (Savvy)
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- commented on her comment Heh, That's okay. Sorry for the super duper late reply, I haven't been on much lately, with Christmas coming up and all. -Kiki to Kepi 23 Dec 01:06
- commented on her comment This is absolutely Adorible! I love the punkish look to it :P to Him Band Shirt Dress 26 Nov 11:05
- followed Kepi 17 Nov 05:18
- commented on her comment Hi! I just happened to stumble upon your profile. I read your Bio, You sound really interesting. So I sent you a friend request. I hope that's okay. I love your Icon by teh way. You're very pretty! -Kiki to Kepi 17 Nov 05:17
Joined 2010

Los Angeles, California, US
49 projects
OMG...dumb computer froze up and posted my comment a million times...sorry :\

Los Angeles, California, US
49 projects
<3 Aw, thank u for the friend request and nice comment, sweetie! <3

Los Angeles, California, US
49 projects
<3 Aw, thank u for the friend request and nice comment, sweetie! <3

Los Angeles, California, US
49 projects
<3 Aw, thank u for the friend request and nice comment, sweetie! <3