Wife of one, daughter of two, sister of three.
I was born in small-town Saskatchewan, but spent most of my growing-up years in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. I’m a true Northern girl. I am married to my best-friend's brother, my childhood antagonist, and the steadiest man I know: Kurtis Benterud. We live in Northern British Columbia, Canada, basking in the intense heat for three short months, and bitterly bundled against Northern gales for the remaining nine. We are outdoor adventurers and love to travel the world, hunt, fish, camp, forage and garden.
Creativity is behind everything I do. I have been actively scrapping for over ten years and have loved every moment. My summers are filled with outdoor adventures and the long winter months are spent cozily crafting. Blasting loud music, having Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” (A&E production) playing in the background, or drinking strong tea gets me in the "scrapping" mood!
I have a Bachelor of Arts with an English major and History minor from Taylor University College, and sometimes I miss being a student. Currently I work a full-time office job, but hope to one day work solely from home, doing what I love: Scrapbooking! I also operate a custom scrapbooking business, “ScrapArt by Pris” in which I make custom scrapbooks, and pre-made layouts. Please feel free to contact me for more information at pbenterud@gmail.com or visit my blog at http://scrapartbypris.blogspot.com
I was born in small-town Saskatchewan, but spent most of my growing-up years in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. I’m a true Northern girl. I am married to my best-friend's brother, my childhood antagonist, and the steadiest man I know: Kurtis Benterud. We live in Northern British Columbia, Canada, basking in the intense heat for three short months, and bitterly bundled against Northern gales for the remaining nine. We are outdoor adventurers and love to travel the world, hunt, fish, camp, forage and garden.
Creativity is behind everything I do. I have been actively scrapping for over ten years and have loved every moment. My summers are filled with outdoor adventures and the long winter months are spent cozily crafting. Blasting loud music, having Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” (A&E production) playing in the background, or drinking strong tea gets me in the "scrapping" mood!
I have a Bachelor of Arts with an English major and History minor from Taylor University College, and sometimes I miss being a student. Currently I work a full-time office job, but hope to one day work solely from home, doing what I love: Scrapbooking! I also operate a custom scrapbooking business, “ScrapArt by Pris” in which I make custom scrapbooks, and pre-made layouts. Please feel free to contact me for more information at pbenterud@gmail.com or visit my blog at http://scrapartbypris.blogspot.com
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- commented on her comment Very cool...and even cooler that it is featured! Way to go! to Men's Shirt Into A Chic Skirt 21 Jul 16:00
- commented on her comment This is adorable! How come I have not seen this before? Fab! to Pinkstripe Button Lolita Skirt 21 Jul 15:57
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