
hello =)

i love to make plushies! and clothes for them..

so far, i just take other people's patterns that they allow for use, and make those plushies and modify them to what i want.

i am hoping to learn how to sew clothes and bags next


Nima L.
Nima L. · 17 projects
i love making plushies too! plz check out my new projects!
Jet H.
Jet H. · Haarlem, North Holland, NL · 108 projects
Hi gierawr, i don't know what that mean your avatar name, but i like the sound of it.LOL You're most welcome;-D
welcome to this site as new member, i hope you like it here a lot and have a lot of crafting fun of the making of those projects and your own. and got a lot of inspiration of them and found some friends.
but pay attention you can be addicted .LOL i'm addicted on cok.LOL
your avatar picture is soooooo sweet the kitten with the head with the cateyes soooo cute.;-D
yes making plushies are really fun to do. i like that too.
hey hope you have a great fun week and a great fun summertime. or have you now winter, i saw you live on the other part of this planet. LOL strange to know or write this down.
As a child i thought you can make a big whole to go to the other part .LOl but sadly you can't do that.
hey much love and greetings;-D