
I don't think that God plays with dice. There is no such thing as coincidence, only the illusion of coincidence.

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Beads Unlimited
Beads Unlimited · Brighton, England, GB · 97 projects
Thanks for faving my night skies necklace and earrings!
aneniine · 58 projects
Thanks for the fave! Happy
MischievousMelanie · Payne, Ohio, US · 13 projects

hey girl thanks for the fav. on my ruffle tube top=) unfortunately i did not take any pictures while i was making it=/ also i did not use a machine i just sewed it all by hand, and didnt really make any measurements, thats just how i roll. butttt i can and will get some more detailed steps up for you... maybe i'll just make another only take pictures this time and sorta/kinda measure that way it can be a how to!