Posts by Lima

    Happy I feel all proud now! I'm so happy, it was my very first all-crafts-swap so it's nice to see that you appreciated my work!
    Can't wait to get yours now 8D

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    Waaah *O* Thank you! I'm even more excited now, can't wait to get it!
    Oh and sorry for posting yours on the other thread, didn't know there was a new one XD

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    Teaser for Violetta Happy [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]

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    Ruby W. thanks for the list Happy *still waiting*

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    Hi people! Happy

    Cok name: Lima
    Location: Reggio Emilia, Italy
    Newbie or Veteran: Newbie D:

    Can't wait to get operative

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