xtaltong x. hasn't written anything about themselves yet.
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Recent Activity
- commented on her comment glam!glam!glam! to Glitzy Decor 14 May 22:56
- commented on her comment hilarious! to Cake Wrecks 14 May 22:50
- commented on her comment luv the jewely to RockLove 14 May 22:46
- commented on her comment wish i had barbie tarantino :D to Tarina Tarantino 14 May 22:37
- commented on her comment how do u make it? to Wallet 14 May 01:42
- commented on her comment sooo cute! plz tell me how to make them! to Fimo Food 14 May 00:38
- commented on her comment nice and cute! how do u make it? to Plush Laptop 13 May 04:20
- commented on her comment cool! how do u make them? to Zipper Bracelet 13 May 03:39
xtaltong x. hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2010

11 projects
thank you so much for faving my "japanese"calendar^-^