Peace,Love,&Crafts hasn't written anything about themselves yet.
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- commented on her comment my sister and her friends made one of these when she was in highschool (just graduated from college now) one of the people in her "clique" still has the chair and they say its one of thoses things that will keep be one of those special memories from hi... to Collage Chair 07 May 21:25
- commented on her comment i think you could also use tissue paper (like the stuff you put into gift bags) to Oil Blotting Sheets 07 May 04:51
- commented on her comment i think i would have made the strap a little bit thicker to Phoebe Bag 07 May 03:25
- commented on her comment these r so freakin cute!!!! although i could never wear them because i would most likely fall and kill my self...LOL to Octo Canvas Heels 06 May 05:10
Peace,Love,&Crafts hasn't posted any projects yet