hmm.... lesse...
HI. I guess. Sorry, I'm bad at these.
uhmmm.... I'm addicted to deviantART and Quizilla, I'm an artist (usually drawing and photography), and uhhhh i love anime/manga (Death Note, Hetalia: World Series, Loveless, D.gray-Man, anddddd maybe a few more). Yep. Wow, i seem pretty boring. Because I am. huh...
My current fandom is Hetalia so i might make some related projects (such as cosplay <3) over summer vacation~
HI. I guess. Sorry, I'm bad at these.
uhmmm.... I'm addicted to deviantART and Quizilla, I'm an artist (usually drawing and photography), and uhhhh i love anime/manga (Death Note, Hetalia: World Series, Loveless, D.gray-Man, anddddd maybe a few more). Yep. Wow, i seem pretty boring. Because I am. huh...
My current fandom is Hetalia so i might make some related projects (such as cosplay <3) over summer vacation~