Hi Kelly. I tried to send you this in a message but I mail bit seems a bit quirly ;)
I noticed you asked for instuctions for the lolita bloomers. It's easier than you think.
You can use an altered shorts pattern. You can use a mans shorts pattern or :-
To alter the pattern....
Give yourself an extra 4-6 inches on each side seam by adding a panel down each side the same width all the way down. Lengthen the leg to just above knee. Experiment with some old fabric to get idea of width and length you need.
Make the waistband part of the pattern a bit longer for elastic to fit in.
Sew the front and back pieces together along the front to back crotch. (the bit that goes between your legs)
Hem the bottom of the legs and sew on leg elastic before you sew the side seams.
Measure thin elastic around your leg where it will fit and pull it so it is comfortably fitted.
Sew directly onto the leg parts by 1st finding the centre and pinning at each end. The elastic should be about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch up from seam. You can have it higher if you want a big ruffle.
Sew up the side seams.
Turn over the the waist band twice and sew along the edge to make a channel for soft 1 inch wide elastic. Leave a small section unstitched to thread elastic through. Fit elastic into channel using a saftey pin to thread. Sew up rest of seam. Hope this helps
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I noticed you asked for instuctions for the lolita bloomers. It's easier than you think.
You can use an altered shorts pattern. You can use a mans shorts pattern or :-
To alter the pattern....
Give yourself an extra 4-6 inches on each side seam by adding a panel down each side the same width all the way down. Lengthen the leg to just above knee. Experiment with some old fabric to get idea of width and length you need.
Make the waistband part of the pattern a bit longer for elastic to fit in.
Sew the front and back pieces together along the front to back crotch. (the bit that goes between your legs)
Hem the bottom of the legs and sew on leg elastic before you sew the side seams.
Measure thin elastic around your leg where it will fit and pull it so it is comfortably fitted.
Sew directly onto the leg parts by 1st finding the centre and pinning at each end. The elastic should be about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch up from seam. You can have it higher if you want a big ruffle.
Sew up the side seams.
Turn over the the waist band twice and sew along the edge to make a channel for soft 1 inch wide elastic. Leave a small section unstitched to thread elastic through. Fit elastic into channel using a saftey pin to thread. Sew up rest of seam. Hope this helps