
I am an avid Tim Burton fan.
And I love The Cure more than anything!
I love to paint. I can lose hours sketching and painting.
I have purple hair. It's fun to do crazy things with your hair since it always grows back.
And I love to play video games. From NES to PS3. But I usually stick to Nintendo.
Zelda is definately my favorite game!
Pokemon...yes, I still love it.
I love to read. Harry Potter is my favorite series. I don't think I've ever become attached to fictional characters as much as Harry and his friends.
I love birds. And kittens because they are just so adorable. ^_^
Paper crafts are one of my favorite things to do. But I also sew by hand, I prefer it over the machine.
The Food Network always makes me feel better! Alton Brown especially!

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I don't think I have ever watched a tv show as religiously as I did Lost. I miss it.


LastKoalaBear · Vancouver, British Columbia, CA · 33 projects
thanks for zeh comment! the brand of paint i use is called Tulip. im pretty sure you can get it at most craft stores. im from canada so idk what stores to find it in the US. but you'll probly find it cuz it's quite popular :B
Sheila Squirrel
Sheila Squirrel
Hi. I will be going to see Emilie Autumn soon, yeah!!! I saw Cruxshadows last month. They have a good stage show x
Sheila Squirrel
Sheila Squirrel
Hello, I'm a Tim Burton & Cure fan too. Enjoy looking through the crafts. It will keep you busy Lol x