I am a swf, 48 yo - out of work since April 2009. I live with my parents - have a 3 year old brown tabby cat. His name is Rascal & he is the light of my life!! He has kept me sane during my job search -- lately, he's been getting in the bed with me & we must negotiate for bed space. He seems to think he owns the bed -- what's up with that?!?!
I love to craft -- my favs are crocheting, papercrafting, candlemaking, soapmaking.....I'll try just about any project that catches my eye once and if I really, really like it - I'll keep up with it. I rarely follow the included directions -- they're just "suggestions" anyway, aren't they? Seriously, I will sometimes follow the directions closely the 1st time I try a project, then "wing it" from there.

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