I've been crafty all my life - in the nicest possible way! I adore knitting and sewing, but love having a go at anything and everything in the craft line. I've moved lots of times and have lived in England and Ireland. I now farm llamas in France with my family.
Great projects BTW (=
Long time ago that we have written to each other, hope all is well with you!!!
i have a question too to you. Do you mind if i gave your name to an other member that will emmigrate to your country.
you can tell her what the problems could be and some other things, i know them only of the tele and some of my own friends but they went to other countries.
hope you will , and hope you don't find this rude of me.
hey have thought often of you, but times fly and still having to less energy so i must be to m y own blame answer that i din't write you too for a long time, so sorry of that.
hey wish you all the best and lots of love and hugs and kisses and fun for the next week;-D love you xxxxxxxxx
awesome, it makes me smile. you've made my day, girl!!!LOL
its a grey clowdy day here, and cole, but i look to new fresh young green leafs on the tree outside the window and it makes me smile too. i'm having again a pjee day, i have played the games with wolfje she was acting like a doggy.LOL She was playing of one of my stolen knitting part, its now official from her, i must trow it away and she picks it up and run back to me. but she loves this game to when i try to work on the computer. -S
i have made with some cartoon it much heavyer so i can trow it further away, and she is then longer away too.LOL
hey have a grear fun day hope your new borns are coming soon.;-D
till next time, i'm fond of you, much love and greetings and much more hugs and kisses;-D
CO + K User
thank you so much for the fave of my chain necklace, i have thought a lot of what to do with the silly hearts, the will become bad ones, for to pin on, like a brooch, but Wolfe has stoolen them all ready, everywhere i found my hearts.LOL
She love all my knitting parts, so i have more parts to knit then was nessacary.LOL But she does more funny things, she love to play with toys and i must play with her, she brings always toys and i must trow them away and she run to cacht them and she brings it back and we repeat the play again and again.LOL
she understand nothing about sleeping at night, and everymorning she have brought all her toys or what she thinks is her, (thats too my knitting!) on my pillow next to my head. and she makes soft noices to wake me up to play with her, i always give her a big smile and lots of thanks yous and told her she is a very dear sweet wolf. LOl and then her "aunt" and she runs to the kitchen to get food.:-D
Have a great fun crafting weekend. do you sell the hair of the Ilama's?
much XO's
Bad, i don't like the cold either, but silly its in Holland now warm for the seison, and just 2 days ago it was freezing 6- degrees. Awefull.
On some places there lays still snow, but here in my place its happily gone, till the next time=S
again much greetings XO's and more like that.LOl (hope your daughter likes it., thats really sweet from you to do that for your kid!!! like that)!!!
he again much XO's
really awesome. have a fun and great weekend.XO's
thanks for the fave^^
are llamas really that soft? i've never felt it...
CO + K User