I'm a former Psychology student, and current Fashion student residing in the sunny (and way too friggin' hot) land of Australia. I work retail at a store called Trade Secret. I like to rearrange ladies wear and make it look pretty. I also like to chop t-shirts up, then sew them back together in interesting ways. My other hobbies include reading science-fiction/fantasy novels, belly-dancing, head-shotting grunts in Halo, yoga and being a creep (net-stalking people I think are awesome). I live with my boyfriend of three years, two kittehs, and one puppy. I would say more, but I'm really not that interesting. However, if you want to listen to my ramblings, head to http://missperegrinssecrets.blogspot.com, and you will be more than satisfied.
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OtherRecent Activity
- followed Max California 06 Oct 02:38
- followed Thera Joyce 06 Oct 02:38
Joined 2009
Hanover, Lower Saxony, DE
65 projects
hi!! thank you for faving my military skirt!!!
Toxic Tea Party
Olathe, Kansas, US
14 projects
Thanks for favoriting my Navi earrings!
25 projects
Thanks for adding my toast scarf! I love your skirt and tshirt creations!
Cptn Awesomesausage
Somerset, Kentucky, US
16 projects
thanks for faving my pineapple hat =]