
Lena Bo Bena hasn't written anything about themselves yet.

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Jet H.
Jet H. · Haarlem, North Holland, NL · 108 projects
Hi LOL, i always begin with the mail that was the oldest and go to the newest, so thats why i must alwys jump to the same persons several times.;-D
I heard that more people do like me,LOL Hey we are n ow friends,LOL
When i saw your avatar and like it , i thought she is a n ice friend, but you have the same thoughts just before me.LOL
Hey i'm suffering of migraine headages for about almost a week, when i'm better i write to you and give you a short introducion of myself.
but feel fry i've you wil do the same.You don't have to wait, and i'm very patience with writing.
so i'm going back to my couch thats my fave place at the moment the whole day.LOl sleeping with my two cats on myself and try to survive this day.LOL
much XO's
Jet H.
Jet H. · Haarlem, North Holland, NL · 108 projects
Hi again, thank you for the nice and kind words, i like your avatar, sooo pretty and funny did you make it your self?
Okay i love all heart shapes but raining hearts under neat a embrella with a very pretty woodenstick is something beautiful and i like the idea of it.
hey have still again a nice fun week!xxx
Jet H.
Jet H. · Haarlem, North Holland, NL · 108 projects
Hi lena, thanks a lot for the fave of my birdcage hanger project, much fun with the making of and have a great fun week;-D