
a type of person you can easily hang with, whoever or whatever you are, ky kitang pakibagayan just know ur limits. i hate backfighters,, so back off! wen i love, i love with no limits. i givE evrything as long as i can but hate being abused or used....i dont trust easily. i always listen to others, but at the end of the day it is me who still decides. i always give chances as much as i can but when i give up that's it...it's over. two words i hate most LIAR! .....love me and i will love you back even more.... ........i know myself more than you know me.. i wont act somebody's not me just to please you.. if you hate me because you cant stand the 'REAL ME' then its not my problem anymore, ok....... >>>>I'm perfect in my imperfections, secure in my insecurities, happy in my pain, strong in my weaknesses, and UNIQUE in my own way... I am ME!!! <3 E L V I E<3

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