
Hi!My name is Debi. I live right in the middle of Kansas, right in the middle of the United States. We live in the country. We have 3 adult black cats, 3 tabby striped kittens, one Golden Retriever, One Sheltie and one 8 month old chocolate Lab. What can I say. Our house is a zoo sometimes. I am married to Steve. He has been around now for thirty years. We have two sons. The oldest is Shawn. He is living and working in the Kansas City, KS area. The youngest is Chad. He is attending college and lives at home.

I have knitted and crocheted since I was in 4-H as a child. I just recently rediscovered how much fun it was. I spent a great deal of the summer finishing old project and starting new ones. I love doing this quiet work after being in school all day. I really like to keep my hands busy, plus I don't fall asleep in my chair so quickly in the evenings when I am watching television.

I am a schoolteacher. I stopped to think about it the other day and I have been teaching for a total of 23 years when I added everything up. I have been a school library media specialist all of that 23 years. I have worked with all ages and even worked as a public children's librarian for a couple of years.

with the boy s both grown up, Steve and I are enjoying just spending time together at home. He likes to read and I knit and we just sit and watch the critters play. They are our entertainment.
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