

My Name is Tess and I am a binge-and-purge crafter. One month I will do absolutely nothing and the next I will go crazy with the sewing machine and the hot glue gun.

I am a very smily and bubbly person. My oral surgeon told me I woke up from the anesthetic smiling, Apparently I'm jovial. =-D

I am going to be a famous actress and rub elbows with Johnny Depp, Rupert Grint, and Taylor Lautner. Just you wait, It's gonna happen.

However, If the acting thing doesn't work out I want to open a costume shop. A Super-Duper Kick Butt costume shop. I don't like those cheapo rayon pieces of crap you get at WalMart.

I am a very sarcastic individual witha lot to say so if you are ever talkingto me and I sound like a jerk just yell at me, dry jokes never go over well in text.

If you would like to know anything more about me please feel free to ask away. I have no secrets. Lol, except for that one time in the tree house...

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MsFashionification · Nederland, Colorado, US · 4 projects
Thanks for faving my tute!
NeonPastelColors · 5 projects
You have to! I tend to feel so bad if I'm not nice to them... Even though I know it's their job... Lol.
Sheila Squirrel
Sheila Squirrel
thank you for favouring my project. Love your sense of humour. In England WalMart's stores are known as ASDA, don't you just love those Smiley faced store greeters x
NeonPastelColors · 5 projects
Haha, Thanks for commenting on my profile thing. Lol
Papercuts · Finland, Minnesota, US · 3 projects
Thanks for faving my dress thing Happy

CO + K User

Hiya, thanks for favouriting my book thing:]
Medea · Berlin, Berlin, DE · 23 projects
thanks for the fave ^^
by the way, i have the same idea with acting, and if that doesn't work out fashion or costume design.
nice coincident ^^
I'm glad you like my shorts =)
Käpt´n Toasterkopf
Käpt´n Toasterkopf · Germany, Pennsylvania, US · 53 projects
Where I wear those? I´m pretty bold when it comes to clothing. Last time I wore them for shopping :3
You just have to work it :3