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- commented on their comment poo: take your own advice then sweetie, cos you're here commenting with the rest of us. to Gala Darling 18 Sep 03:11
- commented on their comment o_O http://twitter.com/JoiseyDani/status/4018996803 to Gala Darling 17 Sep 18:13
- commented on their comment @savannah: seriously, hon, but wtf? no one is saying "we won" or whatever. we're not trying to bring gala down (she's doing a fine job of that herself) - if you read back through these comments you'll see that pretty much all of us are in agreement tha... to Gala Darling 11 Sep 08:41
- commented on their comment ohhhhh ok duh @ me, i didn't notice the date of the last thing she posted. one week ago?! she must be "earning" an awful lot of cash if she can do without an income for one week! @ joanne: she can blog from the plane/airport/anywhere on earth with... to Gala Darling 11 Sep 00:08
- commented on their comment @J M: is L&S monthly? to Gala Darling 10 Sep 09:11
- commented on their comment is anyone else eagerly awaiting "50 things a girl should do in her lifetime PART TWO"? wonder if it'll happen? to Gala Darling 10 Sep 04:26
- commented on their comment @ yelia: how do you know she's given up on icing? i checked this morning and there's still a lot of stuff (fluff) there? to Gala Darling 09 Sep 23:50
- commented on their comment wow. yet another post with just a flickr photo and a quote. *yawn* to Gala Darling 02 Sep 11:58
- commented on their comment well if she's "self-funded" by means of her blog and podcasts, that kinda makes her readers/podcast buyers her employer, thus she DOES have a responsibility not to lie to them, or anyone for that matter. furthermore she's insulting everyone's intellige... to Gala Darling 02 Sep 08:49
- commented on their comment deborah: gala brought this all on herself. she deserves all the criticism she's getting because people have finally woken up to her lies and bullshit. to quote homer (simpson): "now for that happy period between the lie and the time it's found out". ga... to Gala Darling 01 Sep 05:46
- commented on their comment lauren x: at first i thought you were paraphrasing, or even exaggerating, but i went to her blog and saw that she actually wrote all that stuff. wow. what a narcissistic whore. it's becoming more and more apparent how desperate she is for attenti... to Gala Darling 31 Aug 10:21
- commented on their comment i think everyone should go read the chinashop comments before they get deleted, especially gala's comment and the one after it: http://www.chinashopmag.com/2009/08/necklush/ to Gala Darling 30 Aug 07:14
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